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11/15, 星期一, 晚上6點 Monday, November 15 at 6 p.m.

了解阿茲海默症行為及應對方法 Behaviors & Alzheimer’s Disease (Chinese)

有阿茲海默症的人會產生許多令家屬不了解的行為。本講座將教導大家使用 ”IDEA 策略” 來探索為什麼會產生這個行為、了解行為背後的原因及如何應對的實用技巧。

A class for family members who are seeing changes in behaviors that are difficult to understand. Using the IDEA! strategy, this program aims to help individuals explore why behaviors happen, their meanings and practical tips to respond.


阿茲海默洛杉磯 Alzheimer’s Los Angeles

在家學習 – 免費中文線上講座

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有興趣參加我們的講座請打報名專線 (323) 930-6257 或寄電子郵件到 khuang@alzla.org

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