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Events at this venue

Comunicación y demencia


Viernes, 12 de noviembre a las 10:00 am Mantenga conexiones significativas con una persona con pérdida de memoria. Con el tiempo la comunicación se hace cada vez más difícil cuando [...]

Comunicación y demencia


Jueves, 11 de noviembre a las 5:00 pm Mantenga conexiones significativas con una persona con pérdida de memoria. Con el tiempo la comunicación se hace cada vez más difícil cuando [...]



11/11 星期四, 下午2點Thursday, November 11 at 2 p.m. 如何保持頭腦的健康靈活  Keeping Your Brain Healthy (Chinese) 你知道頭腦也是個器官嗎?隨著年紀增長,我們可以做些什麼來維持記憶力呢?本講座將提供一些小秘訣包括如何吃得健康,如何保持身體活躍以及如何挑戰腦力。講座也會有一些動腦小遊戲喔! Did you know that your brain is an organ? Learn what research is showing we [...]

Actualización de investigación de la enfermedad de Alzheimer


Miércoles, 10 de noviembre a las 6:30 pm Actualización de investigación de la enfermedad de Alzheimer Obtenga actualización de resultados de la investigación alrededor de los síntomas, detección y causas [...]

Holiday Tips for Caregivers


The holidays can be a stressful time for families with a member with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Learn about things you can do to prepare for gatherings and provide a meaningful, [...]

Online Activity Hour


Online Activity Hour You're invited to join activity specialist, Jon Schaeffer, for an hour of fun and stimulating programming in the comfort of your home, featuring a mix of music, [...]

Holiday Tips for Caregivers


The holidays can be a stressful time for families with a member with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Learn about things you can do to prepare for gatherings and provide a meaningful, [...]

Keeping Your Brain Healthy


Did you know that your brain is an organ? Learn what research is showing we can do now to keep our memory strong as we age – including nutritional tips, […]

Savvy Caregiver Express


Savvy Express is a 3 week program specially designed to benefit someone providing care for an individual living with dementia by providing more understanding and tools to help navigate the [...]

Savvy Caregiver Express


Savvy Express is a 3 week program specially designed to benefit someone providing care for an individual living with dementia by providing more understanding and tools to help navigate the [...]

Savvy Caregiver Express


Savvy Express is a 3 week program specially designed to benefit someone providing care for an individual living with dementia by providing more understanding and tools to help navigate the [...]

Communication & Dementia


Communication & Dementia Beginning with a basic understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and its effect, this program explores communication principles necessary to maintain meaningful connections. Using scenarios, this training others tips [...]

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