Page 11 - AlzheimersLA-annual-report-2020-2021
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Supporter Profile:
        We also work in partnership with other
        community organizations and are the                                             WHY I GIVE
        grateful recipients of subcontracts from
        the following partners:                                                         Dr. Mirella Diaz-
                                                                                        Santos, PhD
          Health Resources and Services
          Administration (HRSA) with the                                                Speaker’s Bureau volunteer,
          University of Southern California                                             virtual walk4ALZ® participant,
                                                                                        Visionary Women’s committee
          Administration for Community Living                                          member, and monthly donor
          (ACL) with:
                                                              Dr. Mirella Diaz-Santos is an adjunct assistant professor in
           ●  AltaMed                                         the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at
                                                              the David Geffen School of Medicine, director of research of
           ●  Alzheimer’s Orange County                       the Hispanic Neuropsychiatric Center of Excellence at Semel
           ●  California Department of Aging                  Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, and research
                                                              psychologist at the UCLA Mary S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s
           ●  Little Tokyo Service Center                     Disease Research.
           ●  Motion Picture Television Fund                  Mirella’s maternal grandmother, Estrella Ortíz, passed
                                                              away in 2007 after complications  from  Alzheimer’s.  When
           ●  WISE & Healthy Aging
                                                              Mirella’s family had begun noticing  her grandmother getting
          Centers for Disease Control                        disoriented, she  was  found dangerously  walking alongside
          and Prevention (CDC) with                           a  highway.  When  her  grandmother  was  diagnosed,  nobody
          UsAgainstAlzheimer’s                                explained what dementia or Alzheimer’s was. The doctors said
                                                              there was nothing they could do, the family had no support,

          County of Los Angeles Workforce                    and it felt like a death sentence.
          Development, Aging and Community                    Mirella shares, “Everything I do is honoring my grandmother
          Services with Santa Clarita Valley                  as well as my mother’s pain, ours, and mine. She never saw me
          Senior Center                                       graduate from college, or graduate school, or even when I began

                                                              as a neuropsychologist and faculty at UCLA. But I do know she is
          California Department of Public Health             watching me from above. Hope I am making her proud.”
          (CDPH) with:
                                                              Mirella joined the UCLA Mary S. Easton Center’s virtual walk4ALZ
           ●    Dr. Maria Aranda at the University            team in 2020, donated on her own page, and later turned it into
             of Southern California
                                                              a monthly donation. “I understand that money is necessary for
           ●  County of Los Angeles Department                [Alzheimer’s LA] to provide [free] programs and services to the
                of Public Health                              community,” says Dr. Diaz-Santos.
                                                              We are grateful for supporters like Dr. Diaz-Santos who commit
                                                              to engaging and educating the community.

                                                              You can read Dr. Mirella Diaz-Santos’s full story by going online
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